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HTML marquee Tag There are no formal arrangements/agreement with GP and Private Practice- it depends on GP practice on case by case basis however recent changes in national policies and procedures with health care has impacted on how NHS/GPs are working with services involving children and young people particularly private practice.  In keeping with these changes we are working with CQC and NHS England to get a smoother working on urgent basis however it is not within our hands how long certain processes take place. 

Children and Young Person Neurodevelopmental (ASD and/or ADHD) Assessment
The experience of having a child assessed for a developmental concern may feel overwhelming, but
the assessment process can provide clarity and guidance.

A diagnosis of developmental disorders is based on direct assessment of the child and clinical
information gathered from key individuals in the child’s life. A physician and/or clinical psychologist
typically performs the initial diagnostic assessment, which may include:

A complete history, including a detailed interview about your child’s current and past
experiences, behaviours, and challenges.

You will be asked to recall specifics about your child’s history. Many families find it useful to
reference their child’s baby book or other notes. For instance, creating a timeline of events,
including developmental milestones, behavioural changes, and the emergence of any concerns may
be helpful. It is also important to be prepared to talk about family medical history, too.

• Careful observation and interaction with your child during the appointment.

Many professionals use specific tools to assess symptoms/signs. The Autism Diagnostic Observation
Schedule-2 (ADOS-2) is among the most widely used and most respected instruments. However,
results from any diagnostic tool should always be used in combination with other information to
inform clinical decisions.
Further specialist maybe required.
• A thorough medical assessment, including a general physical and neurological exam, hearing and
vision testing, and laboratory testing.
• A psychological assessment, including measures of cognitive functioning, social-emotional skills
and adaptive behaviour, and possibly academic skills.
• A speech and language assessment, including tests of language comprehension, expression, and
everyday language use.
• An occupational or physical therapy assessment, including measures of motor functioning and
sensory processing.
Depending on the assessment results, we may suggest a range of possible intervention to be
considered, such as intensive behaviour intervention (applied behaviour analysis), counselling,
speech and language therapy, educational interventions, occupational and physical therapy, and
related supports.
You will have an opportunity to ask questions, and it may help to have a few in mind ahead of time.
Finally, know that by engaging in the assessment process, you are taking an important step toward
gaining understanding and support for you and your child.
Duration: ADHD assessment may take up to 4 hours spread over 1-2 session. These session maybe
face to face or online depending on the complexity and/or preferences.
ASD assessment: ASD assessment is spread over 6 hours spread over 2 sessions; a combination of
online and face to face interaction.

Adult ADHD Assessment
Duration: up to 2 hours – spread over 1-2 sessions depending upon complexity.
The assessment is multidisciplinary, often with 2 psychiatrists or with the help of a psychologist.
The first part of assessment includes completing comprehensive rating scales (to be completed by
you prior to assessment) which will help identify your symptoms. Rating scales can be completed by
you and someone who knows you well e.g.; by your close friend, spouse or parent. It is
recommended that you provide examples for each of the domain, this can be provided on the form
or a separate document.
The second part is followed by a detailed family and developmental history and general psychiatric
history will be taken which can help to rule out any other condition(s) that could be contributing to
your symptoms. This detailed assessment is available via Zoom or in person. It is
Towards the end of the session, we will be able to give you a diagnostic formulation, explaining our
diagnosis or lack of, depending on your presentation. A draft written report with recommendations
is offered within 2-3 weeks of assessment, giving you the opportunity to correct any factual errors
etc and once confirmed we will share a copy of this report with you and your GP. A precis version of
report can be created for workplace or university at your request.
If the assessment is completed in person, physical health monitoring of height, weight, blood
pressure and pulse may be taken. If this is being done online, you will be guided on how to achieve
this via your GP.
Medication is offered via shared care agreement with GP. We advise patients to speak to GP
confirming their agreement in principle before you pursue this assessment.

Adult ASD Assessment
Duration: Adult Autism assessment is a multidisciplinary assessment conducted over 2-3 sessions
lasting up to 2 hours depending on complexity.
The first part is a structured observation called the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS).
It is an interactive discussion and diagnosticians get to observe how the individual behaves in social
situations. This part takes up to 90 minutes and can be conducted both in person and via Zoom.
The next 3 components are completed with up to clinicians during up to 2-hour session online (with
breaks as needed).
The second part is Developmental History. We will talk to a parent or spouse to gather information
about your history and try to gather other records such as school report cards, journals etc. Some
older adults seeking diagnosis later in life, may prefer a trusted friend to provide information, and
this can be provided in writing or in person during consultation. Any additional information from
work or university is helpful.
The third component is a series of questionnaires for the adult asking questions about their history,
their own experience, what they remember from their childhood, and what is happening to them

now in the workplace or university, in relationships. We will be looking for both your strengths and
challenges in these domains.
The fourth component is a general psychiatric evaluation to rule to out other conditions, assess for
comorbidities going through a thorough timeline of your history.
Towards the end of the second session, we will be able to give you as diagnostic formulation,
explaining our diagnosis or lack of, depending on your presentation. A draft written report with
recommendations is offered within 2-3 weeks of assessment, giving you the opportunity to correct
any factual errors etc and once confirmed we will share a copy of this report with you and your GP. A
precis version of report can be created for workplace or university at your request.

We, at Xcelsa health, aim to provide all our assessments with transparency and honesty. If during
the ADHD assessment, we feel that you have ASD related presentation either independently or
jointly with ADHD, we shall advise you of this in the early part of our assessment. Some adult
patients prefer to get a joint assessment or change their assessment based on our opinion and

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